Inktober 2021 – Here we go again!

This Inktober I have decided to make it more fun and light, not so stress inducing. More importantly, Skylar wanted to join in the fun. Why not have a nearly six year old join in on all the fun!

So we are using a professional permanent marker with thick and thin ends, and using the same sketch book with medium grit paper. Besides that, the sky is the limit.

Oh, also, we are not going to strictly by the rules of Inktober. We did a daily doodle which was great fun during the pandemic, so we will stick in the theme of that. We are using multiple lists, choosing which seems like the most fun. I mean, vessel, really. Try explaining that to a five year old.

We are doing our post in chunks. Day One is Pumpkin and Day Two is suit!

Here we go, enjoy the journey with us and wish us luck!

The Cover to our Inktober Books
The Cover to our Inktober Books

4 responses to “Inktober 2021 – Here we go again!

  1. What a great idea to do this together! Skylar is talented and you too. I’m glad you are taking a less stressful approach as well.

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